Blogging tips | The like that doesn’t match the stats & Importance of reaching out to other blogs genuinely

Good afternoon my beautiful WP fam. How is everyone doing today? I’m sure we are all doing fine.

The sun is blasting hot here today and I have been down for four days now with malaria and typhoid 🤢🤮🤧 but I’m doing well today.

It’s been a while I posted on blogging tips and I noticed something recently so, I decided to write on it today.

Have you ever wondered why you get so many likes but your stats is saying otherwise? You can have so many likes but when you check your stats, these doesn’t match with your views and you begin to wonder what happened.

Let me break this down to you. I am guilty of this too when I first started blogging. We all wanted to get noticed, get followers and try to create a very impressive viewers base but going about it the wrong way. When I first started blogging, I would check the feeds and just started clicking on the like button without reading the content nor the topic of the posts and this made me missed out on so many interesting blogs and same Interest bloggers. Just because I wanted that noticing show like “hey take a look at me, I’m here liking your post so, do the same”

Most times this can be really tiring and makes the writer feels bad. I know then I used to feel like I’m not doing enough, I’m not writing the right content, I’m not worthy to be a blogger but I started taking my time to do what I wanted everyone to do with my blog by reading genuinely, commenting when I truly have something to say and liking.

We all have our beliefs right? So when I see some posts about things I don’t feel comfortable with, I just scroll pass but that doesn’t mean the blogger doesn’t have other nice posts.


  • It makes them feel appreciated
  • You get noticed by them and other readers
  • You get inspired by their posts and can create interesting topics from theirs
  • You are creating awareness about your own blog
  • You don’t know who is ready to give up on blogging that your nice words and gesture might save
  • And lots more.

Don’t just like because you think it’s the right thing to do. Read before liking and comment when you have somthing to say and sometimes just appreciate, it goes a long way.

Thank you for reading

17 thoughts on “Blogging tips | The like that doesn’t match the stats & Importance of reaching out to other blogs genuinely

    1. Yes and I am guilty of this till I started taking out time to read and believe I enjoyed a lot of blogs. People are talented when it comes to writing. Oh the hair type post will be ready today. I have been down with malaria and typhoid.


  1. Nice blogging, am ugochukwu Emmanuel Ofurum known as younggee the CEO of wapcodehub blog. I want to have your number,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes!Yes!Yes! I’ve started being more intentional about searching topics on the search engine that interest me in WP. It’s amazing how much I have learned from other bloggers that are deep and thoughtful in their thinking. But I must admit I’ve just recently learned to reach out by commenting and sharing on different blogs. Your post was a great reminder on how important it is to learn more about the person blogging vs just liking mindlessly. Treating others as you would like to be treated a universal theme in all things. What a beautiful life lesson in every capacity.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad I found this. I started my blog about two months ago and I’m having a difficult time getting viewers. I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I’m not sure what. I try to check out other beauty blogger’s sites not just to get noticed but for inspiration as well. There are so many great sites out there, it can be intimidating at times. I wish I could learn from someone who’s already made it past that whole ‘just starting out’ phase.
    I know one thing for sure…no matter how long it takes, I’m never giving up 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First I’m glad u won’t be giving up. Dont get intimidated by these sites. Everyone passed through the just getting started stage. Give yourself a much deserved credit and keep writing cool posts. I will check out your blog 😊 and trust me I read a lot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I really appreciate that. I love the idea of getting feedback from other people that are doing the same thing or writing about similar topics. I’m enjoying what I’ve read of your blog so far. I’ll keep visiting 😊

        Liked by 1 person

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